Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Get to Work

The funny thing about this blog is that I was actually thinking of this last night. Anyways I don't know if I have many characteristics that make me employable. I guess one thing is being able to learn from mistakes. At least little ones. This can help because, for example, if you’re a computer programmer, and you make some kind of little mistake and the head people tell you about it, you can learn and try to not make that mistake again. I think I can do that. Another possible one is being able to keep to myself. What I mean is that I won’t go tell everyone about everything of a certain company and such. That way other employers and I can have trust in each other. I think I can also be honest and admit if I did something wrong or anything else. That way I can tell someone if I messed up on something I did. I think I'm also not afraid to ask for help if I need it. This can help me because I can go to someone and ask for help with something, and that way I can have a less chance of screwing it up. One thing I'm trying to do is be able to speak up more so that way I can also become a better employer. I guess I also have the ability to be optimistic, so if there is like something wrong or I did something wrong, I won’t mope about it but instead try to take from it and learn from it. I might also have a nice personality so that way it will show that I won’t be all mean and such. It would also let people know they can approach me. I might have other characteristics but I'm really not sure what they are.

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