Friday, February 19, 2010

Free Write 2/19/10

Ummmm I don't know what to write. Well today is Friday at least. I found out that you have to pass physical education 1 to take any other physical education class, now I kind of regret switching that class. Seriously you need 1.5 credits in PE to graduate, and each class is 0.5. Also PE1 is only for 9th and 10th graders which means I have to take it no matter what next year. I think I'll be fine as long as I don't have that one teacher I had for the last class. Really though, none of the elective sophomore classes look that fun. I thought I was going to join ceramics 2, but than I realized I only liked ceramics 1 because of my friends that were in there. So I put photography1 and this "Physical Education1" as you humans call it. Then that alternative class thing, I put Public Speaking because some day I would actually like being able to speak in public. It sounds weird but I really wish I had a smiley face on my hand right now. The last free write I had one on my hand. I'm like really hungry because I burnt my waffles this morning and at lunch the lady gave me a skinny slice of pizza. Today seems like it's taking forever to end. Back when I had ceramics odd days used to be my favorite, but now even days are. That’s because I don't like my English and Spanish class I have on odd days. There are just a lot of rude people in there. Anyways this school isn't as bad as I thought it would be. My dad went here the first year it opened. Then 4 of my uncles, 2 aunts, and 3 cousins. Also 6 of my mom's friends. A lot of my family have gone to this school. Well I think that’s all I have to say.

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