Friday, January 8, 2010

Free Write.....

Nothing interesting has happened in my life recently. Except my cat,Cheeseburger, has given me another scar. That makes it 7 now. I have two really noticeable one on my right wrist. I think one came from when he thought i was going to throw him at a wall (which I wasn't). The other one is from when I gave him a bath and he attacked me. Talking about scars from cats isn't really interesting. My live would be much more funner if I still went to my old school. That's where most of my really good friends were. Now at Gateway, I don't have many good friends. At my old school, on Friday we got out of school at 12:00, but no Gateways not like that. It's all good though. We'll I guess I'm really thankful that I got put into Computer Apps, because i was in gym before and just in one day I already hated it. I think I'm only writing about this because I have nothing else to write about. This is off topic but in Spanish class we watched some video that had a hamster in it. I bring this up because I really hate hamsters. They are so evil. Like they hide in hay stuff and when you try to find them they bite you! I can't stand those little monsters. I mean seriously they are disgusting little rats! Actually, they're worse than rats. The only hamster I like is the one on a shirt I have. That is the only exception. To think i actually wanted one badly when I was little disgusts me. I think the only thing more worse than hamsters would be the feeling of velvet. Anyways, I just went on a raging rampage about hamsters, which can only mean one thing, I have nothing to talk about. The last movie I saw was Sherlock Homes. It was better than i thought it would've been. Speaking of movies, I see movies like every week so I started collection of movie tickets. So far I have two bags full. I started this because a lot of people I know collect stuff so I wanted to. I didn't know what to, until I found a whole bunch of tickets in my room. I'm really not a good blogger, but I like reading other peoples blogs. Computer Apps is easier to listen to music. In ceramics you'd have wet clay all over your hand, thus making it hard to change the song. I actually think that my Ipod has water damage from it. I've notice that in every class I get to listen to music in, I always listen to Lady Gaga for some reason. I really don't know why buy like back in ceramics it's basically all i listened to. I'm like really bored right now, and I have a smiley face on my hand that is really distracting. I don't even know where it came from. I think my friend put it on my hand earlier today.

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