Wednesday, January 6, 2010

2010 School Wishes

For 2010, my wish would be to be able to pass all my classes. Since this is my freshman year, i hope i can start off with a good start. So far it has been good. I have most of mt classes from the begining; English,Geography, Geometry, Physical Science, and Spanish. One of my new classes this semester is Computer Apps. I orignally had gym, but I dropped it because the teacher was mean. I hope that this class will be as good as my last semester class which was ceramics. Ceramics was fun and I was sadden when the class ended. I think this new year is a new start kind of. My new years resolution was to better at school. This is because last quater i almost failed geometry. I hope that this year I will start understanding my classes better, because i have a problem with dazing out which cuases me to not understad certain things. My goal is to at least get a B average at all my classes. So far this year has turned out nice. Since I made the change from gym to Computer Apps, I hope that i will do good in this class. I was extremly estatic when I got the change so I'm hoping for the best. I hope that my classes go the way they are now for the rest of the year. So far i have done well i n my classes. Like I have already got an A on a pop quiz. Some times I have trouble in math, but i'm trying to stop dazing out so that i will understand the material. Since my Sophmore year will also be in 2010, my biggest wish is that i will get classes I want. Lats year when I came to get my classes, the only class open was ceramics, but that was one of those things where you think it will be bad, but it turns out good. That's also when i got my gym class, which i am indeed terrible at. One of my prblems at this school is that i don't have many friends. At my old school there were only 60 kids k-8. I had many friends there but we all live in different school districts. I am greatful for the friends I have at this school though, even if I don't have many. I have at least befriended some one in each of my classes. I even thave a friend in Computer Apps. So at least I know at least one person in alll my classes. I'm hoping for the best this year, for me and everyone else at Gateway. My biggest wish is to be a better student in which I am trying.

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