Wednesday, January 27, 2010

1. The characteristics of a dangerous screen name would probably say something prvertic or something that deals with violence. It could also have things like racsim and an extrem hate towards something. Also if you use your whole name. Or if you put your phone number in it.
2. The characteristics of a SAFE screen name would be like using only your first name, or even your nickname. Also not using personal info. For example instead of putting my full name, mine would be something like Natasha or my nickname Tatasha.
3. Meeting someone online is super dangerous. It could be some lonley 40 year old man talking to you, saying he is a 15 year girl.
4. You shouldn't reply and block the person.

Monday, January 25, 2010

True colors

For the true colors quiz the color I got was blue. One of the things it stated was "You are sensitive to subtlety and you create roles in life’s drama", which isn't really true about me because I’m not really sensitive. "Although they make up only 12% of the population" is flattering even though looking at a lot of peoples color there is a lot of blue. One thing it did say that possibly might be true about me is "Blue represents calm." I'm calm in like class, but when I’m with people I know really well I’m not so calm. I guess that trait is good if I'm ever at a bank while it's getting robbed. I guess it’s also good since I'm learning to drive; I can maybe be calm while driving. The professional things they have listed for the colors do sound promising also, especially the actor one, or maybe even a tour guide (as long as it’s not for something boring like a museum.)There is NO way I could be a flight attend though. I think I also like harmony like blue. I don't think I have a spiritual connecting with nature though. I do think I work hard however. One thing I do definitely agree on is when it says that blues lose interest when things become a routine, which I do unless its, like, for TV. I'm actually not surprised that I got blue. Reading over the other colors I'm most like blue, but not exactly. I think I could be a mixture of all the colors in the quiz. I wish it would have had more colors like pink or purple. But then again it is only a quiz. I’m okay with color I got and I’m also happy with it. I think I’m also loyal, like the quiz said. This is out there but I’m a dog on the Chinese year thingy and that also states that I’m loyal. I believe I am because I don’t do anything to hurt my friends and I make sure I don’t hurt their feelings. So like I said I'm only kind of like blue. Blue is a very nice color and I like that color more than the others. It is a nice calming color and it’s very pretty. I’m glad I didn’t get green or anything (no offence to them.) So peace be with you, like blue.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Internet Safety

Online people are exposed to many things. Some people use this as a good thing, but some use it as a way to make fun of or say hurtful things to people. Some things people say drive people to suicide. In my opinion(not to sound mean) I don't think that is the greatest option ever. I kind of think that suicide is selfish. I say this because you have the gift of live, and you just waste it on something like words. A couple weeks ago I got a message on MySpace from some person I don't know calling me a freak, but it didn't hurt me at all. I understand that what people say is hurtful, but it's not a reason to hurt yourself. If someone kills them self for the news report after it, what’s the point if you're dead? Plus I don't think social networks were made for people to go on and talk trash about people. Telling someone on line seems like it's ok but it's not. Why would you talk trash to some one online if you can't do it in person. I think if a person has time to go on and write something hurtful to someone they need a life. Seriously don't they have something better to do? For someone to read something like "We'd be better off if you weren’t around" isn't needed. Also I've notice people are saying stuff like "No more MySpace", but while I was watching the video shouldn't people try to get rid of the how to committee suicide and the other ones. I think I learned that you can go on the internet and have fun, but you should be careful who you talk to. I don’t think parents should always be checking your accounts, but maybe once and a while they should so they know that their child is safe. I've also learned that people should be careful of the pictures they post. Some creepy person could have saved it to their hard rive and just do stuff with it. I think it is smart for some kids to wait until they're 13 or 14 to create an account to some internet place. Being on the internet is fun, but not when you put yourself in danger or anything else. I think that parents shouldn’t have to worry as much as they do and they should learn to trust their children, and I think the children need to be more careful and make sure they don’t get into any bad situations.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Free Write.....

Nothing interesting has happened in my life recently. Except my cat,Cheeseburger, has given me another scar. That makes it 7 now. I have two really noticeable one on my right wrist. I think one came from when he thought i was going to throw him at a wall (which I wasn't). The other one is from when I gave him a bath and he attacked me. Talking about scars from cats isn't really interesting. My live would be much more funner if I still went to my old school. That's where most of my really good friends were. Now at Gateway, I don't have many good friends. At my old school, on Friday we got out of school at 12:00, but no Gateways not like that. It's all good though. We'll I guess I'm really thankful that I got put into Computer Apps, because i was in gym before and just in one day I already hated it. I think I'm only writing about this because I have nothing else to write about. This is off topic but in Spanish class we watched some video that had a hamster in it. I bring this up because I really hate hamsters. They are so evil. Like they hide in hay stuff and when you try to find them they bite you! I can't stand those little monsters. I mean seriously they are disgusting little rats! Actually, they're worse than rats. The only hamster I like is the one on a shirt I have. That is the only exception. To think i actually wanted one badly when I was little disgusts me. I think the only thing more worse than hamsters would be the feeling of velvet. Anyways, I just went on a raging rampage about hamsters, which can only mean one thing, I have nothing to talk about. The last movie I saw was Sherlock Homes. It was better than i thought it would've been. Speaking of movies, I see movies like every week so I started collection of movie tickets. So far I have two bags full. I started this because a lot of people I know collect stuff so I wanted to. I didn't know what to, until I found a whole bunch of tickets in my room. I'm really not a good blogger, but I like reading other peoples blogs. Computer Apps is easier to listen to music. In ceramics you'd have wet clay all over your hand, thus making it hard to change the song. I actually think that my Ipod has water damage from it. I've notice that in every class I get to listen to music in, I always listen to Lady Gaga for some reason. I really don't know why buy like back in ceramics it's basically all i listened to. I'm like really bored right now, and I have a smiley face on my hand that is really distracting. I don't even know where it came from. I think my friend put it on my hand earlier today.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

2010 School Wishes

For 2010, my wish would be to be able to pass all my classes. Since this is my freshman year, i hope i can start off with a good start. So far it has been good. I have most of mt classes from the begining; English,Geography, Geometry, Physical Science, and Spanish. One of my new classes this semester is Computer Apps. I orignally had gym, but I dropped it because the teacher was mean. I hope that this class will be as good as my last semester class which was ceramics. Ceramics was fun and I was sadden when the class ended. I think this new year is a new start kind of. My new years resolution was to better at school. This is because last quater i almost failed geometry. I hope that this year I will start understanding my classes better, because i have a problem with dazing out which cuases me to not understad certain things. My goal is to at least get a B average at all my classes. So far this year has turned out nice. Since I made the change from gym to Computer Apps, I hope that i will do good in this class. I was extremly estatic when I got the change so I'm hoping for the best. I hope that my classes go the way they are now for the rest of the year. So far i have done well i n my classes. Like I have already got an A on a pop quiz. Some times I have trouble in math, but i'm trying to stop dazing out so that i will understand the material. Since my Sophmore year will also be in 2010, my biggest wish is that i will get classes I want. Lats year when I came to get my classes, the only class open was ceramics, but that was one of those things where you think it will be bad, but it turns out good. That's also when i got my gym class, which i am indeed terrible at. One of my prblems at this school is that i don't have many friends. At my old school there were only 60 kids k-8. I had many friends there but we all live in different school districts. I am greatful for the friends I have at this school though, even if I don't have many. I have at least befriended some one in each of my classes. I even thave a friend in Computer Apps. So at least I know at least one person in alll my classes. I'm hoping for the best this year, for me and everyone else at Gateway. My biggest wish is to be a better student in which I am trying.


Who is optimistic, independent, and positive
Who is the sister of Andrew
Who loves giraffes, cupcakes, and sleep
Who feels joyful, blissful, and healthy
Who needs oxygen, water, and living space
Who gives joyful laughter, love, honest friendship
Who fears time, losing friends and loved ones, certain people
Who would like to see more giraffes eating cupcakes one day
Who share happiness and laughter with friends
Who is a resident of Aurora